Personalized advice
We have the best Team
Jazmin Meza Ocaranza
Chartered Accountant
Duoc UC
Gonzalo Guerrero Gonzalez
Lawyer Magister in Tax Management and Direction Chile – UAI
Susan Meza Ocaranza
CFT Santo Tomás
Judith Navarro García
Auditor Accountant Duoc – Master in Taxation U de Chile
Duoc UC
Jonattan González Millaquén
Public Accountant and Auditor
University of Santiago de Chile
Juan Pablo González Jeria
Certified Public Accountant with a Master in Tax Planning and Management
Metropolitan Technological University
Jorge Quilobrán Hernández
Chartered Accountant
Metropolitan Technological University – UTEM
María José Moya Paz
Certified Public Accountant and Bachelor of Science in Business Development
Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Venezuela
Hugo Alejandro Riquelme Ruz
Public Accountant and Auditor
USACH University of Santiago de Chile.
Elizabeth Valenzuela Manriquez
Chartered Accountant
Technological University of Chile INACAP
Edith Fuentes Kuhnow
Accounting Analyst
Accounting technician intermediate level/2011/Colegio TP San Ramón-La Cisterna
Higher level technician in Ad. Companies/2016/Instituto Profesional Aiep
Engineering degree in business administration, mention in Human Resources/2018/Aiep Professional Institute.
Llilia Belzabeth Cheuquepán Cortés
Tax Auditor
Chartered Accountant/2019/University of Los Lagos
Master in Taxation/2023/ Universidad Andrés Bello
Diploma in Tax Application. (2020) Indep (Institute for Research and Professional Development) Colegio de Contadores de Chile A.G. (Association of Accountants of Chile A.G.)
Diploma in IFRS. (2020) Thomson Reuters
Erika Elizbeth Mendoza Andrade
Accounting Analyst
General Accountant and Auditor.
Santiago, May 8, 2019.
Technological University of Chile Inacap.
Jorge Vásquez Bustos
Financial Auditor
Chartered Accountant / 2021 / Universidad Diego Portales
Diploma in Tax Management and Control / 2022 / Universidad Diego Portales
English student at Poliglotas